The Four-Way Test

The test, which has been translated into more than 100 languages, asks the following questions:

Of the things we think, say or do

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

During March and April many Rotary Clubs hold a

Four-Way Test Speech Competition. 

Read all the details and get the forms here.


It is a competition offered to high school students where the student must prepare a five to seven minute speech to illustrate the Rotary Four-Way Test.

The student is judged on Content (50%), Organization (30%), and Delivery (20%).  The student must follow the Four-Way Test Theme throughout, must relate the speech to his/her own activities, must present a human-interest appeal and must choose language that is clear, vivid and persuasive.  The student must demonstrate organization of thought including an introduction, clear and orderly points and a brief conclusion that drives home the point of application. And finally, the student must be effective in their speech delivery including volume, grammar, gestures and attitude toward the audience.

Area Assistant District Governors should have started setting up dates for the club and area level contests.  Be sure to have a meeting with judges and time keepers before the contests begin. The local contests need to be held before the District contest which will be on Saturday, May 3, at the District Conference in Corpus Christi.  We always have to be careful not to conflict with their UIL competition schedules.

Again this year the District will be supplying the first place recognition for all area contests.

Read all the details and get the forms here.

Need additional information? Contact Jo Anne Settles, District 5930 Four Way Test Speech Competition Chair at