December - Decease Prevention and Treatment

Area of Focus: Disease Prevention and Treatment Month. This month includes: World AIDS Day on the 1st and International Day of Disabled Persons on the 3rd of December
  • Organize Medical Camp - Health Awareness for Eye Care / Dental Care
  • Providing equipment such as Artificial Limbs, Wheelchairs and Crutches to the Physically Challenged Peoples i.e. Polio Sufferers
  • Provide low-Income, under-insured Persons with the knowledge, skills, an opportunity to improve their diet, physical activity and other life habits to prevent, delay, or control, chronic diseases
  • Initiate Actions to Prevent and control Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Obesity and Associated Risk Factors

January - Vocational Services

Vocational Service Month During this period, clubs highlight the importance of the business and professional life of each Rotarian. Special activities promote the vocational avenue of service.
  • Distribute Four-way Test
  • Distribute Vocational Awards to outstanding individuals, Arrange Vocational Visits
  • Awareness seminar on career guidance, Organize / Arrange in Plant Training
  • Start Vocational Education / Skill Guidance Center. Start Part Time Consultancy center
  • Helping Physically Challenged people to gets jobs